Inspirations Tips to Keep On Writing Must Read !

March 8, 2013 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ Writing Tips

 “It´s amazing how long it takes to complete something you are not working on”
-R.D. Clyde

Inspirations Tips to Keep On Writing Must Read !
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To me, one of the coolest things about the internet, online magazines and blogs, is the increasing amount of people that decide to undertake a writing hobby or career path, whether as a freelancer or employed. Though, writing for a blog or magazine on a daily basis is not as simple and easy as it might seem at first.
On some days you feel like you have tons of ideas and others you just keep smashing your head on your keyboard, starring at that electronic piece of white paper. How to cope with this when you have personal or business deadlines to comply with? As I daily experience such issues myself, I thought it could be helpful for all of us writers out there, to gather a few tips that personally help me a lot, and I hope will help you too!

Make a list:

 Before you start writing, consider your blog´s main topic and niche. What is it about? And what do you like to write about? Make a list of all the subjects (related to your main topic) that you like to write about or that you already have knowledge of; make associations of thoughts and keep expanding your list. As you write these themes down, many ideas will already start creating into your head. You will notice that it is a chain of thoughts, and soon you will find yourself with more ideas than you have actually time to write about.

Put it down: 

Sometimes it happens that you cannot really concentrate to your task because your brain is buzzing with hundreds of articles ideas that unfortunately have nothing to do with your one at hand. Usually this happens, at least to me, because you are afraid you will forget those ideas or they seem more exciting than what you have to write at the moment. Other times, you are outside walking, standing in the metro, or just having lunch, and amazing ideas start popping into your head. My suggestion is: write them down immediately! Make it a habit to walk around with your note book (or just simply use your phone), so that you can write down everything that comes into your head. Make sure to write sub ideas or related thoughts in bullet points, so as not to forget your train of thoughts!

Take time to think: 

Reserve time every day to brainstorm about possible topics that you would like to write about. Find a quiet place and, once again, start writing down, let your mind wonder and approach ideas from different angles. Use keywords, what are people interested in your niche looking for? What do they write about?

Keep up-to-date: 

Keeping up to date with your nice, your industry and main international and local happenings is especially important. Do some research, reads a tons of articles and get inspired. By reading and keeping updated, you not only find yourself with more idea every day, but you expand and deepen your way of thinking and reasoning, enlarge your vocabulary and find new way to tell things.

Keep eyes and hears open:

 Everything around you can be of inspiration: your life, international events, and the people you know. Pay attention of what is happening around you (even small things), and brainstorm on how to transform it into a story, an interesting event. Friends and family can be of great inspiration, talking with them can open your eyes on different issues or different ways of looking at things. Talking, sharing and going out can bring many ideas!

Keep in mind your Calendar: 

You should always try to plan your writing calendar as precisely as you can and, most importantly, stick to your own deadlines! To me personally, it helps to write down in which day it will make more sense to me to write about a specific topic, knowing that I will have some days or hours in which I research for topics, others in which I write and so on. Plan ahead and keep updated with major annual events in your niche; what are other people doing or writing about?!
I hope this helped, but I am sure there are many other tips out there on how to keep inspired for writing. How do you get inspired? Where do you find your ideas?
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  1. Abdur Rakib said on May 18, 2013 4:06 pm:

    That’s a nice article. Sometimes while writing I try to follow some of these tips. Making a list always helps me to start writing an article.
    Thanks for sharing.