2 Very Easy Ways To Boost Your Blog Traffic
December 29, 2012
Web traffic
i already wrote a post before about 24 ways to boost your blog traffic but in this post i would like to share with you two more ways to increase your blog traffic, i think this two ways will really increase your blog traffic. So here is two ways to boost your blog traffic:
1# Submit Your Blog To The Search Engines
you must submit your blog to the search engines in order to get your blog listed on the search results so submit your blog to Google or use Addme to submit your blog to the top 20 search engines for free and increase your blog traffic without spending a dime

2# Convert Your Articles Into pdf files and share them on the Document sharing sites
Go to Free online Html to Pdf converter
This tool is really easy to use you have just to put the URL of the web page that you want to convert to Pdf and your converted file will be ready to download

Now you have the pdf on the hard disk of your computer,you have to share it to a document sharing site
Now go to Scribd this is the biggest document sharing site with 8 pagerank, which means if you share your pdf to this site you will get a lot of free traffic
Sign up on Scribd and the hit the Upload button to Upload your Pdf
add title, category, tags and description to make it easier to find your document

Nice Posts, thanks for explanation about boost blogging traffic in easy ways. Very Important. Thanks a lot for this post.
Hi Anis,
Very useful post to me now that I just set up a blog recently and I am trying to build traffic. What a timely head start for me! Implementing the ideas straight away!