Blogging for Independent Financial Advisors | How can it help?

November 2, 2015 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ Blogging Guide

Blogging for Independent Financial Advisors is very important way to reach potential client. For instance a financial advisor or wealth management specialist, you are used to winning business based on your expertise, track record and qualifications. However, the market can still be very competitive, and if you want to gain new clients over rivals with similar experience and skills, you need to do some marketing of your own.

One of the best ways to grow your visibility within the industry, as well as help new clients find you when they are searching for someone who offers these services, is to have a well written, well maintained blog. Here, we look at some of the reasons why independent finance professionals can benefit from blogging, and how to get started:

Advantages of Having Your Own Blog

If you start your own blog, you can really show off your knowledge. You may see this as offering help for free, but actually, potential clients will be far more interested in engaging you if they can see the kind of advice you offer and whether or not the things you say make sense to them. By writing about topics relevant to your clients your website can become a resource people use to get help, and add value to people who will then see you as an authority on financial topics that they would happily go to for advice when they are ready for personalized, professional assistance. You can also use tried and tested means of marketing your content via social media, to boost your visibility and web presence and help you appear higher on search engine results pages.

Starting Your Blog

It is really easy to create a blog, even with no web design or programming experience – use a popular platform like WordPress and your blog could be designed, published and ready for your content in under an hour. Then, of course, you need to start writing. While it can be a great idea to link to other content you find, everything you post on your blog should be unique and original, and of a high quality. If your English skills don’t match your financial skills, then you can also consider hiring a freelance writer to help you build up some good content, too.

What to Write About and How Often

When you first launch, you may want to write a lot of content all at once, or work on a daily posting schedule until you have a good base of content so visitors to your site will have plenty to read. After that you should have a strategy for ongoing writing. You may decide to post weekly, or more frequently, or to have themed days like ‘Tips Tuesday’ when you always post a certain type of content. Try and have a good mix or evergreen financial advice alongside more topical news and insights from your industry that show that you are fully engaged in the finance world.

Starting your own blog can be a valuable marketing tool, and also quite satisfying to watch grow in its own right, so it could be a great thing to do to support your financial advisory career!

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