Top 10 Blog Monetization Techniques you can use in 2015 and years ahead

August 17, 2015 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ Blogging Guide,Make Money Blogging

Is your blog earning money yet? Here are the top 10 Blog Monetization Techniques you can use in 2015 and years ahead.

  1. Premium Access

Use your blog to give away quality content for free, but offer the option of upgrading to premium access. These will attract the attention of paying subscribers for:

  • Insider information
  • One-on-one coaching
  • Assistance from the experts
  • Exclusive groups
  • High-level material
  • Personalized instruction

Consider charging membership fees monthly or yearly. This will provide a constant stream of income.

  1. Information

People use the Internet to gather information that they need. You can use this trend to sell info in the form of:

  • Articles
  • Books
  • Online classes
  • Instructional videos/audios
  • Reports

It’s best if what you’re offering is unique, relevant, and useful — that way, people will purchase your products and not be contented with freebies that are available elsewhere.

  1. Services

The Internet is an excellent place to advertise services, whether they may be online or offline. Just make sure that there is content in your blog that is related to the services. Otherwise, your blog viewers — who arrived at your blog because they are interested in what you have written there — may ignore your unrelated ads.

  1. Lectures, speeches, and performances

Are you:

  • An expert in something?
  • Popular?
  • An inventor or owner of something valuable?
  • Someone highly experienced in an area?
  • An eloquent speaker?
  • A stand-up comedian?
  • A performer?
  • A musician?

If yes, your blog can serve as your contact point for clients. People may reach your personal blog by searching either for you or for something that is related to what you’re doing. Announce on that blog that you are available for gigs.

  1. Products

Many people view blogs to buy things. You can sell your stuff in popular online stores, but you can also use your own blog to do it. The advantages of selling through your blog are:

  • You get full profits out of sales navigate here.
  • People who like you and/or your blog may be inclined to collect your products.
  • You gather buyers and subscribers in the same place.
  • You can interact with buyers through your blog.

When customers are satisfied with the things you sell and the way you do business with them, they will recommend you to other people. That will quickly boost the popularity of your blog.

  1. Affiliate Programs

Bloggers are earning a lot of money from affiliates. In affiliate marketing, you promote other people’s products in your blog and you get a percentage of the sale when somebody buys them. If you are writing about a topic, check if there are affiliate programs out there that are connected to what you’re discussing.

  1. Direct Ads

Another thing you can do to earn from other people’s products is to set a space in your blog for their ads. First, you must fill your blog with valuable content so a lot of people will consult your blog. If you have a lot of viewers, advertisers will want their ads to appear on your blog. Include an “advertise with us” section discussing the following:

  • What your blog is about
  • Why it’s a good idea for advertisers to work with you
  • Your pricing on ads
  • How to contact you

Make sure that the ads you show are helpful and jibe with your blog. Also, try not to fill your blog with ads or it will appear spammy and slow down loading time.

  1. Network Advertising

Sign up with an ad network — you can find these online. You will sign up and send an application; once approved, their ads will show up on your blog. Commissions are sent to you when your blog viewer clicks on the ads.

  1. Paid Posts

You can receive payment for posts that endorses a client or something he/she sells. Reviews are one way of getting paid for blog posts.

  1. Sell Your Blog

If there is a reason why you don’t want to work on your blog anymore, consider selling it to someone else. Someone might want to take over your blog especially if:

  • You have a large following.
  • Your blog is related to their business.
  • Your blog is intensely popular.
  • Your blog has a catchy name.

They will make a few tweaks and earn from your old blog. Otherwise, they might sell it to somebody else as well for a profit.

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