6 Blogging Tips for Lawyers

February 15, 2015 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ Blogging Guide

Lawyers: Master Blogging With These 6 Helpful Tips

Blogging is an area of internet marketing that’s easy to start, but much harder to be good at. While any attorney can start a blog, it’s the ones that know how to effectively attract, engage, and convert readers that acquire a significant return on investment. Are you familiar with blogging and do you know how to blog your way to new clients?

Effective Blogging Tips and Tricks

As a lawyer or law firm, it’s important to start the blogging process by analyzing your target market and understanding who your ideal readers are. This allows you to establish a solid foundation for your content generation efforts. On other hand, a lack of knowledge about your audience will cause you to take a shotgun approach that doesn’t reach anyone in particular.

Once you have your target market identified, you can implement these helpful tips:

  • Be regular. All successful blogs – regardless of industry or niche – have one thing in common: they produce regular and consistent content. As a starting point, you should post at least twice a week. This shows that you’re active and committed to your readers. Any less and you appear to lack commitment. Even if your posts are short, it’s better to generate regular content than fail to publish anything for an extended period of time.
  • Aim for relevance. Think about why people visit your blog and aim to satisfy those needs. Your blog should be a relevant source of industry information, not a pool of random ideas. Always tie your content back to a central theme or idea.
  • Mix things up. While you certainly want to post content that’s relevant, you should try to mix up what your posting. Avoid making all content self-promotional. Try curating content from other sources and making your blog a hub for valuable information. Attorney Rand Mintzer does a good job of balancing the types of posts he publishes on his blog.  
  • Include a CTA. While not every post will be promotional, you should have some sort of call to action at the end of every blog. It could be something as direct as “Call today to schedule a consultation,” or as casual as “Remember to come back tomorrow for part two of this blog series.” The point is to keep your readers engaged and remind them that you’re there.
  • Invest in marketing. Like any extension of your business, your blog needs to be marketed and advertised. As a blogger, social media is your best friend and you’ll find great success sharing posts across various platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.
  • Write in layman’s terms. Legal jargon is confusing and frustrating for the general public. While you may use complex terminology when discussing cases with your associates, it’s critical that you turn on a filter when writing blogs. Use layman’s terms and always assume the reader is unfamiliar with the topic you’re discussing.

Blogging is an important part of your internet marketing strategy, but ensure you’re taking a calculated approach. With the help of these six tips, you can become a better blogger and attract more clients this year.  

Lawyers: Master Blogging With These 6 Helpful Tips

Lawyers: Master Blogging With These 6 Helpful Tips
Lawyers: Master Blogging With These 6 Helpful Tips


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