3 Simple Ways To Get Free Targeted Web Traffic in 2013

January 1, 2013 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ Web traffic

Getting web traffic can be a challenge to a new blog, website or a Hub. Traffic is the lifeline of a blog or website.There are several ways in which you can increase web traffic to your blog or website. The paid way using advertisement in exchange for traffic and the free way which takes time to build.
Here will discuss 3 simple ways to get traffic to your blog.
  • Keywords
  • Social Media
  • Pinging
Keywords is most important thing in search engine optimization therefore if done rightly it brings targeted traffic to blog via search engine bots. Keywords help major search engines like Google,Yahoo and Bing index websites or blogs according to their content, they also help webmasters know what Key phrases or words people are looking for whenever their visit online therefore enabling them write their content using the key phrases or words so as to be found under search results.
How to get Keywords?
Go to Google and type Googlekeywordtool. Type in the phrase or words of the title you are writing about. For Example Dog training tips then click on search if you get no results for your phrase then it means what you are writing about has no demand. If You find that the global monthly searches are more than 1000 then it denotes demand in your keywords.
How to use Keywords?
Since your blog is new it’s advisable you write your content based on the keywords that don’t have high competition since it will be hard ranking on a crowded keyword but that should not discourage you. The trick is you mix together the high key competing keywords, medium and low ranking keywords. Make sure you don’t over use them also the overall content of your web blog or hub or article has 25% of keywords.
Social Media
Social media is the most reliable way of getting traffic to web blog,articles,Hubs and Websites. There are a good number of social sites to which you can share your information or services using you blog’s URL and if someone likes your content they will share you information with their friends and soon or later your blog’s URL goes viral. Which is big boost traffic wise to your site. Social sites boost your search engines rankings by the back links they offer. So the more social sites you join the better the traffic to your web blog. The trick is not signing up you need to connect with people and not spamming them with your web link they may consider it offensive hence not visiting your site.
Here is a list of social sites you should join.
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Pintrest
  • Linkedln
  • Googleplus
  • Delicious
  • Diigo
  • Stumbleupon
  • Bebo
Or you can use a paid service like onlywire which will broadcast your message to 47 major social networks at once.
Pinging Sites
Pinging is a great way to get traffic to your site. They alert search engines about new content posted on a blog and in return the search engines send their spider bots to come check out fresh content so to index your blog and the new content thou it’s not guaranteed but a good practice to employ whenever you have fresh content on your blog or Hub. With time you see increased traffic to your blog.
Here is a list of pinging sites to use whenever you post fresh content to your web blog.
  • Pingomatic.com
  • Pingler.com
  • Bulkping.com
  • Totalping.com
  • Googleping.com
  • Pingoat.com
  • Mypagerank.net
  • Pingates.com
In conclusion there are other ways in getting traffic back to your blog which will continue writing about,so stay tuned for more and drop us comments if you like this article.
Also in these book there are discussed ways on how to get free and paid traffic.
Get your copy Now! as you begin your journey on making money online. Also check out our Amazon Store for more great resource on blogging.
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  1. Chity Anis said on April 8, 2013 10:12 pm:

    thanks for stopping by 😀

  2. Alan Oliver said on April 19, 2013 10:52 pm:

    Hi there and thanks for this concise article.
    Since I started using social plugins on my wordpress blog im getting much much more traffic than I was before.
    Its an easy add to any wordpress blog so its not worth not adding some way of letting your readers share the content with their friends on twitter or facebook etc. Its a great way of getting more web traffic to your site.

  3. Benjamin Ehinger said on June 1, 2013 11:16 pm:

    This is great information. Using both onlywire and pinging services is a great way to go. You can even use onlywire with a service like tribepro for even more power.

  4. Adesanmi Adedotun said on June 16, 2013 7:44 pm:

    Nice article at the right time to boost blog traffic for efficient blogging carer and at the same time, we most note that blog traffic doesn’t come over the night

  5. Kevinson said on September 21, 2013 7:08 pm:

    Amazing tips right there Anis. Traffic gives every blogger a head start and is the key to conversion. These tips will really help me. Thanks a lot!

  6. MBA Management said on October 10, 2013 6:46 am:

    Nice article at the right time to boost blog traffic for efficient blogging carer and at the same time, we most note that blog traffic doesn’t come over the night..

    Larn Edutech

  7. Aimy Wilson said on November 8, 2013 10:37 am:

    Thanks for the great article. It is very useful to us. Good resource for inspiration for everyone. Pinging services is a great thing.