5 Ways Your Business Can Benefit From Blogging

April 27, 2013 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ Make Money Blogging

The reality is in today’s digital world you need a company blog. Don’t believe it? Here are five good reasons to launch one today.

Traffic Building — Location, Location, Location

It’s all about location when your business is brick and mortar — easy to see, easy to drop in and shop. Online, however, it’s the information that generates traffic. Every new article that you create for your company blog is another opportunity to get found. Consider it as a road leading back to your brand.

5 benefits of blogging
5 benefits of blogging

In Six Reasons Why Small Businesses Should Blog Now Ben McConnell and Jackie Huba say, “Attraction is always easier than hunting.” It’s the difference between being a magnet and a bull-horn. When you’re a magnet, blog content is a line of attraction drawing people to you. They discover you and choose to follow. When you’re a bull-horn, however, you have to hunt the people down and then convince them to follow you. Which approach sounds more organic and likeable to you?

Brand Building — Does It Look And Sound Like You?

You choose the design, the message, the tagline that best describes your business and your style. You choose the language and the words.  And then it’s your client’s turn. They get to choose when, where and how often they interact with your content. If there’s no online presence, prospective clients have to wait for office hours in order to engage with your brand. And they may forget that they cared by then.

Industry Thinking — Understanding The Whole Game

“Blogging sharpens your sword,” says Marcus Sheridan in 5 Reasons Your Business Should Be Blogging. “Simply put, writing a blog post is like practicing for a game. The more one practices, the better their skills, timing and overall play—which ultimately leads to more victories, or in this case, sales.” Dechay Watts in 19 Reasons Why Your Business Should Be Writing A Blog adds “Blogging makes you think…about newsworthy topics, your industry, your customers and the world around you.”

Maintaining a company blog offers you the opportunity to keep your customer on your mind. You’re writing to them. You’re writing for them and in order to be effective you have to understand them. And the work you do to understand your audience makes it much easier to create, market and sell something of value when the time comes.

Expert Status — The Know, Like And Trust Factor

According to Brian Gardner, StudioPress Founder and CopyBlogger Media Partner, “A blog helps establish you as an expert in your field, and if you regularly update it with relevant content, you reinforce the idea that you know what you are talking about.” With a blog you don’t have to force feed your expertise, you can simply demonstrate it by giving quality content and thoughtful solutions in a language that connects with your client base.

Blogging gives your target audience a chance to know, like, and trust you. Just remember who you’re talking to. If you’re a lawyer, your clients aren’t other lawyers. So cut the jargon talk and speak to the people who actually pay for your services.

Lead Generation — “Since I’m Here, I Might As Well Shop”

Blogs generate business. In Why Businesses Should Blog Regularly the Editor at GPG Solutions highlights a client response to the impact of their company blog. “Jessie Walters, a realtor who contracted our company to build a lead-generation website targeting homebuyers, shared some very exciting news with us recently. A blog post he wrote over three years ago led to a home sale.” Blog posts live on to generate attention and sales years later.

I hope you’re encouraged to keep blogging. The bottom line is that it’s good for business.

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  1. Susan Harjehausen said on April 28, 2013 1:39 am:

    I could not agree with you more! Even if someone has a website they need a blog. A website is stagnant. People will go to a website for the phone number or locations/directions but that’s about it. A blog is interactive and personal. It keeps visitors connected and they will go back 🙂

    Here’s to Happy Blogging!


    1. philipl3m said on April 29, 2013 1:29 pm:

      That’s right, a website houses information but a blog creates a dialogue. Big difference, thanks for reading!

  2. philipl3m said on April 29, 2013 1:29 pm:

    That’s a good plan Sef. Good luck, and thanks for reading!

  3. philipl3m said on April 29, 2013 1:30 pm:

    Many thanks!

  4. philipl3m said on April 30, 2013 1:28 pm:

    Thank you Rekhilesh! I agree, I don’t know why so many businesses have yet to start one!

  5. philipl3m said on April 30, 2013 7:13 pm:

    Very good idea John! Thank you for writing; you are right, it’s a great way of flattering the people you admire, and maybe getting their attention too!

  6. philipl3m said on May 1, 2013 1:45 pm:

    Thank you for reading, Sarmista!

  7. Neil Ferree said on May 1, 2013 6:21 pm:

    small brick & mortar businesses are not as good at writing fresh relevant content as some other types of businesses. blogging takes time and skill. for the legal profession, its even more complex and challenging. CommentLuv helps this issue.

  8. Ashutosh said on May 6, 2013 9:10 am:

    A very nice co-relation established between business and blogging.
    Really blogging can lead to some very good results which no one can even expect. Very useful post.
    Keep sharing!!!

  9. Ryan said on May 10, 2013 8:02 pm:

    At least in my local market, it seems like if you’re a blogger you can completely dominate relevant search terms. The advantage for me, at least in local terms is a ton more leads. I can hardly handle them all!

  10. Joe Hart said on May 11, 2013 5:59 am:

    Blogging has become an unavoidable part of brand building..It has also become extremely important to maintain a solid online reputation as with each passing day, more decisions are being influenced by opinions posted online..Also companies have to be aware of negative marketing which a lot of companies seems to be unleashing against their competitors..It is necessary to have a blog to voice out your stand on different happenings in the industry.

  11. Trisha Agarwal said on July 18, 2013 8:58 am:

    I recently came across a blog post where its author proceeded into a taunting of his readers.